Monday 9 November 2009

EVALUATION - Activity two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My film opening has no introduction to characters as such and only hand and legs shots are shown of the main character. This was a choice made to keep the opening atmospheric and to maintain the tension build up of who this character is and what importance they have to the film.
However I would compare this character to Mercedes, the little girl from the film Cronos (Del Toro, 1993)

The reason I would compare the character in my opening to Mercedes is because she co-finds the significant item in Cronos and is affected by the events that happen because of the item later in the film. For example, she see's her Grandad become youthful yet crave the need for human blood.
This is simiular to the character in my film opening as the character in Something Wicked finds the significant item and the events that take place because of it affect her as well as others.

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