Monday 9 November 2009

EVALUATION - Activity seven

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

As there is no dialogue in my film opening, the rules Match on Match Action, Shot/Reverse Shot and The 180 Degree rule do not apply. However one thing I did use from the Perliminary task was to introduce the character before hand. e.g. in the Perlimary task you see the charcter before they open the door so that the audience has already been introduced to the character and are not confussed by the second shot of someones hand opening a door.

The same thing applies in our film opening when you see leg shots of somebody walking towards the shed, this is so that later on in the opening the audience isn't confussed by the random hands rummaging around props inside of the shed.

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